It's gone great, even better than we expected in fact (blog post to follow when I come out from under boxes!). We are totally in love with the house - it's perfect. It's one we have coveted since before TC was born. It's right next to where we used to live before our last house so we know the area very well and it's lovely to be living back here. We have everything we need and more. I'm happier than I've been in a long time.

I'm in turmoil over Mini Cheddar's school.
We have only moved a couple of miles or so away. It takes a few minutes to drive down the road to our old house. The school that MC has her reception place at is near our old house. It's a really lovely school and she's been very happy there of a morning in her nursery class.
I thought when we moved I'd be happy for her to continue at this school. It means a short car journey - it's a bit too far to walk now - but it's been no bother.
The thing is, there is a school right around the corner from our new house. It's a smaller school. A lot smaller than her current one. Is smaller better?
The official reports say that her current school has the edge but people seem to rate the local school very highly and argue that this isn't the case.
I'm having sleepless nights at the moment trying to decide what to do for the best. The decision may be taken out of my hands - it could be that there aren't any places at the local school. I haven't checked but I'm going to investigate on Monday. In a way I'm hoping the decision is out of my hands, as selfish as that sounds.
I know MC wants to stay at her current school but she's only 4 years old and the reason she gave me (when she heard Matt and I discussing it last week) was that "the local school doesn't have a slide outside". The slide is in the nursery section anyway so she wouldn't have access to it in September - I've not broken that one to her yet!
Anyway, I'm worried that if she stays at her current school that neighbours children will be going to the local school so she'll have difficulty fitting in. I worry that in bad weather we won't be able to get into school. In the snow in March it was great to be able to sledge to school! I worry that when TC is old enough he won't get into the school as we live outside the catchment area and I would like them both to go to the same school. I worry that she may be missing out on more one-on-one education from a smaller school. Her recent school report said she's shy in school (anyone who knows my daughter in real life knows she's far from shy!) and I don't know if a smaller class would be better for this.
However, I'm worried that if I move her - she won't like it. I'm worried I'll regret it and then we are stuck.
What would you do?
Do you have any experience or advice?
I just can't seem to concentrate on anything else right now.
I can understand your worries! Go and speak yo the school first. If they have no spaces then no need to worry any more. If they do, have a look round, chat to the teacher and see how u feel. xxx
I would go and look round the local school quickly before the end of term. Get a feel for the kind of atmosphere. Bear in mind it is the end of term though and all winding down. Also talk to local mums. It will be better for her in the long run if she is near other children living locally. By the time summer is over she will be more ready for a change. also could you maybe find any other children locally she can invite round to play so that she will want to go there. Finally, look at Ofsted reports and see if there is any reason at all for concern about the new school.
I would go and check out the school nearby. If you like it then plan to take MC along with you for a second visit. I'd be worried about the catchment thing too and from what I've gathered from my one whole year at school (lol) is that even with a sibling at the school, there isn't a guarantee that the other will get in there. Good luck!
I'm not an expert but if you were to keep her at her current school, your son should have priority with a sibling there- even if you live outside the catchment now. Worth checking that out if you decide to stay... Xxx
Well MCs current school is very good (although I am biased as its where my little one will be going!!hehe) but that doesn't mean it's the best one for your little ones. Like you said your new local school has lots of advantages (children to play with locally, smaller classes etc) so I'd agree that you should take a look around. Just a bit if experience... My step daughters moved schools when they were in nursery and year 1. Their situation was slightly different as it was a bit too far to travel really. However we had same reservations as they were happy at their previous school. The previous school was good and bigger than the new school. However moving them was the best thing. They have both flourished in the new school. They have made great friends and because they live nearby they are able to play with friends outside if school. Xx Sarah xx
its so hard to deside but you have to just go with your gut, if your daughter has friends at her current school and you like it then that might be best to keep her there, you could always move her to the more local school in a couple of years if she becomes better friends with the local childrenn? as for smaller being better again thats abit debatable, some rave about smaller schools, my personal experience has been that bigger schools can actually be much better, but again you have to just go with your own thoughts - xx
from what I am reading it sounds as though you are swaying towards the local school. I think you need to visit the school, find out whether she could get in & go with your gut feeling when you are there - you might absolutely fall in love with it. I wouldn't worry about MC at all, she will make new friends & will still be able to have play dates with old ones. When we moved here it was before S started school & he had his name down at the school in the village that we lived in previously which at the time was a better school, (he went to our local one in the end) things have turned around & our local school is now better (according to Ofsted), but it's not all about that, it's down to your own preference. MC also sounds like a very bright girl so I think she will do well at either school, if I was in your situation now I think I would be swayed towards the local one for convenience & having more local friends for MC.
sorry for the waffle!
Hi from a new facebook liker :) A few years back, we sent our daughter to pre-school on the other side of town in the hope she would get into the reception class there - it is a small school, very good reviews etc. etc. As it turned out, she didn't get in so ended up at a larger school. At the time it was really stressful because she hardly knew anyone at the new school, but to be honest I think I was more upset than she was - and she made friends literally within days of starting! Despite being quite shy she has coped fine with being at a larger school and there are benefits to both larger and smaller schools I would say. In a smaller school there are fewer children to mix with, so if they argue/fall out then it's harder to avoid kids that they don't get on with!
I would say, go and visit the new school just to see - your gut reaction might be "Urgh, it's awful no way!" or if you love it then I'm sure your kids will settle in much more quickly and easily than you think. Good luck! x
Oh my goodness, I do not envy these sort of decisions. I would say ring the local school and go and have a look around, that might make the decision for you. I would also say, as someone who used to teach in a very small school, it is harder for small schools to "look good on paper" for a variety of reasons, but it isn't just about that. The feeling you get about a school and it's community is more important. Will MC have more chance to shine? Smaller schools often mean that everyone knows everyone. I knew every single child in our school by name and knew their parents, this can be a great confidence builder. The flip side is that we all know what small communities can be like!!!
I'm sorry, I'm pretty sure I haven't helped at all. If in doubt, go with your gut. MC will be happy if she gets the vibe from you that you're happy with your decision. x
I spoke to the school on Monday - there are no places so it has to go to appeal. Rang the council, no more appeals until September now :( The headmaster phoned me this afternoon (he wasn't in Monday and was a training day Tuesday) and he was LOVELY. I mean really LOVELY. The school sounds lovely too. He's invited us up to the school on Friday morning to have a look around. He has my number incase someone leaves and he will try and help us fast track. Will see what happens but I'm scared we'll fall in love with it then be in turmoil about the appeal and waiting until Sept. Thanks for your advice xxx
Thanks, Glenda. We are going up there Friday morning. The school has no places now though and there aren't any appeals (I spoke to the council) until Sept. It's Estyn reports here - live in Wales - and all looks very good x
Yeah, it's the whole sibling thing that puts me off too. It's a lovely community here and I think she may flourish at the local school. They have no places though so it would have to go to appeal. Going to visit on Friday anyway. Thanks hun x
Yeah, this is what I thought but from speaking to various people it's not always the case. We are going to visit the local school on Friday - even though I've found out there are no places. We'll see what happens and then will ave to appeal. Thanks for your comment xx
Thanks hun. I thought if you saw this post you may comment. Yes, her current school is lovely and we love it - your little one will love it! There are no places at the new school so will have to go to appeal. I rang the council and there are no more appeals until Sept :( The headmaster phoned me this afternoon (he wasn't in Monday and was a training day Tuesday) and he was sooooo lovely. The school sounds lovely too. He's invited us up to the school on Friday morning to have a look around. He has my number incase someone leaves and he will try and help us fast track. Will see what happens but I'm scared we'll fall in love with it then be in turmoil about the appeal and waiting until Sept. Thanks for your advice. We'll meet up soon. It seems so daft we live so near and have met blogging but not met up yet. Hope you're all well xxx
Thanks, Sarah. I've spoken with one of my closest friends and her daughter goes to a smaller school. She loves it. There are no places at the new school anyway BUT I've spoken with the headmaster and he was so great and the school does sound wonderful. He's invited us up on Friday morning and if we like it and want to go for it we'll have to see what the appeal brings xx
Aw thanks, Helen. Great advice. I am swaying towards the local school and, after speaking to the headmaster today (he wasn't in Mon/Tue), I'm even more swayed. He was wonderful and the school sounds perfect. We are going up there on Friday even though there are no more places. I rang the council and if we appeal then the appeal won't be read until September which isn't good :( We'll see what Friday brings I guess xx
Thanks for the advice Jenny (and for the FB like - not been on there lately). There are no more places at the local school so it would have to go to appeal and there are no more appeals until Sept. We are going up to the local school on Friday - the headmaster invited us up there and he sounds wonderful and so does the school.
I spoke to one of my closest friends the other day and told her about the arguing etc. as her daughter goes to a very small school and she was bullied. The school handled it brilliantly according to her and so I guess there are pros and cons as maybe in a bigger school it wouldn't get treated the same way. Who knows? I'll just have to see what Friday brings. Thanks again xx
Thanks, lovely. I tell you, it's been giving me a headache! We have a visit to the local school planned for Friday. The headmaster sounds such a great guy and the school sounds lovely. I think that MC would really love it there. There aren't any places left though and so we would have to appeal - the local council say there are no more appeals until Sept now which is putting me off :(
You have helped as it's all given me food for thought so thank you. Let's see what happens Friday. We may hate it but I have a strong feeling we'll fall in love! xx
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