My journey through my second pregnancy. I took the 'test' which turned out to be positive 1st August 2011 and the rest is history...
25/09/11 - Silent Sunday #35
27/09/11 - The Day I Cried In The Tesco Cafe
19/10/11 - Pregnancy Patter - 16 Weeks And Still Sick
25/10/11 - You Know You're Pregnant When...
01/11/11 - Pregnancy Patter - 18 Weeks And Loving It!
15/11/11 - Pregnancy Patter - 20 Weeks And Scan Time!
28/11/11 - Pregnancy Patter - 22 Weeks And The Big VBAC Debate
13/12/11 - Pregnancy Patter - 24 Weeks And 'Viable'
21/12/11 - What A Difference 3 Years Makes
27/12/11 - Pregnancy Patter - 26 Weeks...The Christmas Edition
31/01/12 - Pregnancy Patter - 28 and 30 Weeks...The Disney World Edition
07/02/12 - Pregnancy Patter - 32 Weeks And It's All Starting To Kick In
20/02/12 - Pregnancy Patter - 34 Weeks And Fighting Bad Feelings
05/03/12 - Pregnancy Patter - 36 Weeks And A Bumper HiPP Giveaway!
19/03/12 - Pregnancy Patter - 38 Weeks And About To Lose My Foof!
21/03/12 - I Can't...
25/03/12 - Silent Sunday #53
01/04/12 - Silent Sunday #54
02/04/12 - Post-Pregnancy Patter...He's Here!