Monday, 16 May 2011

You Got No Ice Cream!

I was driving along the other day when I got stuck behind some slow moving traffic going up a hill.

What was holding the traffic up? An elderly person driving 10mph? A tractor? A scooter? No, it was an ice cream van.

I live on a 'new build estate' where the houses are only 4/5 years old and I've never seen an ice cream van around here.  That makes me really sad.

Talk about tasteless!
When I was younger the ice cream van would always come around at the weekends.  I remember the look on my parents faces before I heard the chimes as my Sister and I would be busy playing.  It was so obvious my parents hearing was fine tuned and primed ready to try and distract us when they heard the fatal tune. They would look at each other as if to say "Oh shit, did you hear that? It's the ice cream van...quick distract the kids before they hear it".

"MUM!  DAD!  Can we have an ice cream pleeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaase?

Too late.

I see ice cream vans quite a bit, usually at retail parks or in public parks like this rather lovely (!) one I snapped at Longton Park a few weeks back. I just don't see them on housing estates.  Well not ours anyway.

Do they still do it or is it dying out?  Do Mums and Dads now keep a stock of ice creams in the freezer?  I know we buy ice creams from the supermarket occasionally but it's always nice to buy one from the ice cream man as a special treat.

I'm really sad that Mini Cheddar won't be able to experience that full on excitement* of hearing the ice cream van in the distance and then hounding me for money.


*Talking about this makes me think about that famous Eddie Murphy stand-up sketch from Delirious which you can view here on You Tube.  A WARNING though - it contains bad language so only click on it when the kids are in bed and if you won't take offence!


Anonymous said...

There is always an ice cream van around my area even in the depths of winter - 5.30pm on the dot usually! Now, some would say that it's not just ice cream that they sell.... but who knows?

Mummy and the Beastie said...

I find that really strange that a van doesn't visit your housing estate, you would think it the obvious place. I remember there being one that came round at my grandparents, I used to run out with my cousin after jumping about asking for money, only to never find it. It was always in the next close and had always gone 9 times out of 10. Now I hear one near our flat and the tune drives me potty!! luckily Beastie hasn't cottoned on yet. I once read in a magazine that someone told their little ones that 'when the van plays a tune it means they are out of ice cream'. He he that's soooo mean! :-) x

Mummy and the Beastie said...

Also they tend to be around tea times here, not good for trying to get your child to eat! x

lucy joy said...

Our ice cream van comes around from October-October without fail. I buy one occasionally, on a whim if the boys have been exceptionally good. As a kid, the ice cream man sold single cigarettes to people at 25p each, and pea shooters too! I never liked ice-cream but nothing quenched my summer thirst like a cider lolly.

Lauren said...

We hear it EVERY SINGLE EFFING DAY! In December, when its snowing, without fail the ice cream van will come round.
At one point last year there was two. TWO!!
We always joke that he must sell things other than ice creams.....

He used to come around 4 o clock, if me and hubby were in the garden, or even in the house unaware of the time we'd know exactly what the time was.
Now he tends to come around 7 o clock (pm) which makes us think even more that he sells more than ice cream ;-)

Jen Walshaw said...

We live on a new build and Do have an icecream van, but I, like my dad before me told the boys that it only plays music when it has sold out!

Tales of a Tai Tai said...

I've got such good memories of the ice-cream truck too!! Was always on hot, sunny days when we were playing on the road and we'd sprint in to beg for money for a cone with a flake!! Loved it! Haven't heard one in years though. Boo x

I Heart Motherhood said...

we also have an ice cream van that come to our road! We haven't got to the stage where Isla knows what an ice cream van is luckily but the almost 3 yr old next door does and so that tells me we haven't got long!

Cherished By Me said...

I miss that too, used to love hearing it come down the road. We live in the middle of nowhere so definitely won't get one least it saves a few pennies though. ;)

Tamsyn wood said...

i, like themadhouse was told, now tell my kids (well, i did back in england, they don't exist here in la france, sad) that when the ice cream van plays music, it meant he had run out!! oh how horrid of me! we did go once or twice though. now that i am completely deprived here in france though, on our next trip back i am going to hunt an ice cream van down and lick it out...after selling my kids a 99 each...and what a rank mental image.

anyway, i shall stop rambling.

see you soon heather

tamsyn xxx

Scribbling Mum said...

We have an ice-cream shop which is well exciting! My old neighbour used to tell his kid that the ice-cream van only used to put music on when he'd run out of ice-cream. What a bloody meany eh?!

HELEN said...

you are very lucky not having an ice cream van come around your estate.....if I hear those chimes I say out loud '10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1.........NOOO' just as the kids burst through the door. Ha ha cruel Mummy! I don't mind it every so often but it costs a fortune when it comes around every night. I made a deal with my daughter that if I promised to fill up the freezer with Fabs & cornettos & Jubbly Bubblies she wouldn't pester me everytime the ice cream man came around.......she now invites all her mates round to raid the freezer!

I did manage to avoid it for a couple of weeks last summer though when my daughter said 'is that the ice cream van'.....& I replied 'no the scrap man has just changed his music'

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comments...I'm shocked that so many of you have ice cream vans still visiting. Although I know if we did have one I'd be getting fed up with it so I guess I can't win!

Mrs E said...

We live on a newish build estate as well and we always get the ice cream van come, from April until September every day!! It used to taunt me when I was pregnant and I couldnt have Mr Whippy! x

Sarahmumof3 said...

I've just moved house, we never heard an ice cream van before, but then we lived in the middle of no where practically, now however there is an ice cream van he comes around 2pm every day, good cause the biggest are at school on weekdays and often we're out on at least one day of the weekend, so I do manage to avoid it most of the time, and let them think I'm soo kind on the other occasions when I say yes ;)


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