Sunday, 12 August 2012

Silent Sunday #72

MC and Justin Fletcher

Silent Sunday


Steph @imcountingufoz said...

Aww Justin. Such a nice chap!


Justin!!!!  We were invited but I thought Freddy wouldn't sit through the show.  MC looks a bit starstruck!!!

Mummy's Space said...

Is someone a little starstruck by the famous Justin?

LakesSingleMum said...

He looks more excited than her!

Coombe Mill (Fiona) said...

Looking slightly unsure of herself there, but a great one to keep and look back on

Jo Bryan said...

She looks as if she is looking for the exit!

Chez Mummy said...

I love how he looks thrilled to meet her but she's less than impressed with him!

Sarah james said...

oh just love Justin!

Sarah said...

Thumbs up :)

The crazy kitchen said...

Great photo although MC does look a bit worried! X

Glenda Gee said...

I thought I recognised him. It's Justin. How lovely.

Erica Price said...

Was going to say 'they all love Justin', but not sure they do based on that evidence.

Ms Xpat said...

OMG what a luckly lil girl, my son would be over the moon to meet him. Justin is one of the few people he looks at on tele :0)

ForestFlower23 said...

'please don' leave me with the insanely grinny man, mummy!'  Bless :-) I bet she enjoyed the show though x

Mari said...

How fabulous to have met Justin! I have a lot of time for that man and he's been a constant in my girls' lives since they started watching CBeebies xx

geekmummy said...

Great picture! Wasn't it a lovely day? I wanted to have a similar picture for my Silent Sunday, but unfortunately it all got too much for my daughter and she was hiding under the table whilst this was happening!

Lovely to see you again too :)

Nicola Carpenter said...

MR TUMBLE!  We saw him in Panto once, but we weren't lucky enough to have a picture.

Kel said...

Wow, my kids would be soooo jealous if i showed them this, in fact I am jealous! 

cookiejarlife said...

bless she looks a tad scared! 

Siân said...

Love it! Her face is classic.

Mummyandthebeastie said...

What a lucky girl! What kid doesn't like Justin :-) xx

Jess P said...

Hello ive just found your blog from a friend i must say your blog is very good :)! If you want to you can check out my blog it is xxxx

SAHMlovingit said...

Thanks Jess :) Will head over to your blog right now x

SAHMlovingit said...

Haha she was fine with him - she met Robert The Robot before Justin and she wasn't sure of him!

SAHMlovingit said...

It was a lovely day and it was great to see you again Ruth. 

MC was a bit unsure of Robot The Robot but she loved meeting Justin.

SAHMlovingit said...

It's the fact she's having her photo taken she's pulling that face...she's going through a faze of not liking posing for photos :(

SAHMlovingit said...

She's going through a phase of not enjoying having her photo taken at the moment...just when I've bought a new camera. Joy x

SAHMlovingit said...

She enjoyed meeting him too - the face is deceptive :) x

Village Mama UK said...

Great photo. Hope a lovely day was had by all. x

SAHMlovingit said...

Just a little - and freaked out by everyone watching her having her photo taken!

SAHMlovingit said...

Aww gutted....would have been lovely to see you xxx

HonestMum said...

Utterly starstruck-me not your daughter. Bet Justin's House was super fun x


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