Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Sir Poops-A-Lot

Tiny Ched is 4 weeks old tomorrow.

I honestly don't know where those 4 weeks have gone. 4 weeks since I lived my amazing birth story. 4 whole weeks of adoring our new baby boy.

In my last full post (my birth story) I said he was a dream.

He is.

But he does have one slight downfall.

He poops.

A lot.

Now I know breastfed babies crap a lot. Mini Cheddar did, but not to this extent. He literally poops for Britain. If there was a Baby Olympic event for crapping, he'd win gold every time.

This constant pooping came at a price. The poor little man has suffered with severe nappy rash. As soon as it started we rushed out to buy Metanium as we used that with massive success on MC but no, his poor little bottom got worse and he ended up looking like a baby baboon. We didn't use wipes on his bum, just water and cotton wool but with the amount he poops it's a battle to keep him clean and the constant wiping will not help. We even had him at the doctor's a week last Friday as it was getting worse.

Thankfully, a change of nappies and a massive amount of nappy off time have helped and it's almost back to normal.

With all this excessive pooping, can you imagine my surprise last week when he was weighed and had put on 1lb 2oz in a week! My milk must be great stuff because I honestly didn't think anyone so small who shat that much could put on that amount.

We are all well. Mini Cheddar loves Tiny Ched very much and is ever so gentle with him. She's always checking he's okay and giving him the gentlest of kisses. I'm loving having two children snuggled up on the sofa beside me. My heart just bursts with love, pride and happiness.

Anyway, before I make you all puke I'd best be off.  Oh and I was really ill last week so my blogging fell by the wayside. I'm back doing my freelance work a little too although that's been a struggle between my illness and the nappy rash.

Rest assured though, I'll be catching up on your blogs this week between poopy nappies!

Isn't that a nice thought to leave on.

He was probably squeezing one out as I took this


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