Monday, 21 January 2013

To Share...Or Not To Share?

Last week I wrote a blog post...okay, okay, I kind of wrote a blog post as the majority of it was a copied and pasted email from my gorgeous husband, Matt, telling me how much he loved me etc. I hold my hands up...I was a lazy blogger!

Anyway, after I'd posted it I was asked if Matt minded me posting personal things on my blog.

It got me thinking.

The thing is, Matt knows about my blog and 100% supports it. In fact, when I was thinking of packing it all in after only a couple of months of blogging, he was the one who made me stop pressing delete and boy am I glad he did!

I blogged the letter because, as I said in the post, I wanted to document it for me and the kids. I wanted to record just how lovely my husband can be...when he's not leaving the loo seat up or secretly eating chocolate, that is!

blog imageI may not blog as much as I used to but I still love it.

Blogging has given me an outlet in which to share my thoughts and feelings, a place to talk about being a stay-at-home-mum and it's brought me new and very dear friends both virtually and in real life. It's my little piece of cyberspace which will grow with me and my family. It's a place to leave my mark. A place where I hope my children will come to when they are old enough to read about their early years. It's my little corner of the Internet which is mine.

Matt knows that a lot of what goes on in my life goes on my blog. Obviously there are certain things I don't blog about.

I don't blog about our sex life (which is great, if you must know! MC and TC, if you are reading this, please don't be too freaked out by the thought of your Daddy and I doing the bad thing *ahem*), I don't blog about any major current health issues or worries within my circle of family and friends, I don't mention my children's names or friends and families names (Matt being the exception) either. A lot of blogs I see or read do these things. This is a personal choice but it's just something I choose not to do.

But that's what makes blogging so great.


Each and every blog is unique in its own way and that's what I love.

I love the openness and support that blogging offers. I love how you can think you're the only one thinking something then you realise you're not a loon alone after-all.

I do share quite a lot on my blog but I now have 2 years worth of memories, stories and photos to look back on.

I blog with openness and honesty about my life and I wouldn't have it any other way.


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