Wednesday, 30 April 2014

#MeAndMine - A Family Portrait (April 2014)

I've reverted back to a very quick iPhone selfie for this months photo.

As you will notice, I haven't been about this month. MC only went back to school after the Easter holidays on Monday and the week before that we all had a tummy bug.

I've spent most of the month - tummy bug aside - just enjoying 'real life' (and the glorious warm weather that April brought us) but I've enjoyed it that much I haven't thought to take any complete family photos. It's a shame as we've had trips out to the sea, trips to the zoo, trips to the park and trips to see family and friends. I've taken lots of photos but none of the four of us.

Big fail.

My homework for May is to try and get at least three photos. I'm sure we will be able to do it. We are away for the May half-term at the end of the month too and ending it at the Baby Tilda Barn Dance! I also have some extremely exciting news that I'm holding back on at the moment too.

So, anyway, this photo was grabbed last night. The kids insisted on pulling silly faces. They'd spent most of the afternoon, after MC got home from school, bouncing on the bouncy castle in the back garden. They were tired but full of fresh air and happiness. It also resulted in a 6.30pm bedtime so Matt and I were pretty happy too!

dear beautiful


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